START 10.02.2025
ICEUR School of Political Forecasting
On average, political forecasts are hardly better than chance. However, some forecasters are better skilled than others. ICEUR has a track record of successful political consulting for various government agencies and private companies. Our own experience presents a clear picture of the possibilities of the art of forecasting.
Sponsored by the Federal Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs Republic of Austria
START 10.02.2025
Discover new horizons with ICEUR!
ICEUR has been one of Europe's leading think tanks for 15 years, delivering its analyses and forecasts to governments, ministries and international organizations. In addition to advising government agencies in different countries (Austria, Germany, France and others), as well as international organizations through individual client-oriented policy analysis, ICEUR also has experience in solving problems for companies operating in post-Soviet countries or planning to enter the market in this region. Political forecasting is a major component in this type of counseling.

The ICEUR School of Political Forecasting is a unique project created at the intersection of academic competence and practical needs of EU political structures, ministries, banks and large corporations. ICEUR offers detailed information about the post-Soviet countries, the features of their political systems, economic development, military and social programs.

Observations show that the demand for skills such as forecasting and in-depth analysis of political trends is growing rapidly. We appeal to students in academic institutions, diplomats, civil servants and decision-makers who plan to improve their qualifications.
For whom are our courses designed?
The topic of the first semester is the war in Ukraine
Political forecasting is the art and science of anticipating future political events, trends, and dynamics based on current data, historical patterns, and analytical models. It empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
Political forecasting is the art and science of anticipating future political events, trends, and dynamics based on current data, historical patterns, and analytical models. It empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
Successful forecasters are open-minded people who are not satisfied with ready-made answers, regardless of their level of training in mathematics or statistics. Our approach to developing real-world problem-based forecasting skills builds on consulting work and makes this program accessible to students with different backgrounds and initial competencies. They will be able to discover a new world of insights and opportunities.
The program is structured to develop relevant practical skills and attitudes, in particular:
  • Multidisciplinary thinking
  • Flexibility
  • Learning to correct past mistakes in order to make fewer mistakes in the future.
  • Identifying methods suitable for solving specific problems.
  • Assessing what the forecast can cover
  • Calculating the probability that the prediction will come true.

We use only verified data and up-to-date research so that you can trust every figure and fact. No guesswork – only reliable information.

Only verified data.
Learning from qualified experts and policymakers
Many years of experience.
Career prospects.
We have 15 years of experience in successful political consulting for various government agencies and private companies.
Our graduates receive new career opportunities in analytics, journalism, politics and consulting. Learn to build a successful future.
Why ICEUR School?
Our experts are politicians, diplomats and scientists who share real experience and knowledge. You get access to unique first-hand expertise.
Let your education open the doors to the apex of your career!
Employment opportunities for graduates.
Skills in forecasting and the analysis of political trends open the door to a successful career. Our graduates are in demand in various fields:
  • Political consulting: development of strategies and recommendations for politicians and government agencies.
  • Business consulting: market analysis, forecasting and decision-making in the corporate sector.
  • Media: expert commentary, analytics, and content creation.
  • Education: teaching and research.
  • Banking: Assessing Risks and Economic Prospects.
  • Social security: working with migrants and vulnerable groups.
  • NGOs: Project Management and Data Analysis in Community Initiatives.
  • International organizations: UN, OSCE and other structures.
  • Government: participation in the development and implementation of state programs.

Founders of the school
She studied law, history and political science at various Russian higher educational institutions (1984-1994), received a doctorate in philosophy in 1995, and was enrolled in the Faculty of Basic and Integrative Sciences of the University of Vienna. Fellow at FWF (Lise Meitner Postdoctoral Fellowship), Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Consequences of Wars. She worked at the Austrian State Archives (Commission of Historians) and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe/Vienna (IDM). A series of lectures and seminars at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, at the Institute for the History of Eastern Europe of the University of Vienna, as well as at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Vienna.
She is currently vice-president and manager of the International Center for Eastern Europe Research (ICEUR).
Publications on Russia's foreign and security policy, Austrian and international politics, political Islam and ethno-political conflicts in the post-Soviet space.

He studied law, political science and foreign languages at the University of Vienna. Lecturer at training centers affiliated with U.S. universities. Headed the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna. Visiting professor in the USA, Europe and Asia. Worked in various field missions and OSCE representations: Tbilisi, Chechnya, Belgrade. Co-founder of ICEUR-Vienna and currently its vice-president. Publications on Soviet, Russian and Eastern European Politics. Able to communicate in 12 languages.

Prof. Hans-Georg HEINRICH
Dr. Ludmilla LOBOVA
The courses are developed and conducted jointly by Ludmilla Lobova, Ph.D., and Hans-Georg Heinrich, Professor Emeritus of Political Science.
Political forecasting is the art and science of anticipating future political events, trends, and dynamics based on current data, historical patterns, and analytical models. It empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
Political forecasting is the art and science of anticipating future political events, trends, and dynamics based on current data, historical patterns, and analytical models. It empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
ICEUR Diploma: Your Key to Success!

After completing a full course of lectures and workshops, you will receive a diploma of a graduate of the ICEUR-Vienna School, confirming your professionalism and expert skills.

  • The ICEUR Diploma is an international recognition in the field of forecasting and analysis.
  • Personal recommendations – for top graduates looking for a job, we provide recommendations based on your academic success
FIRST Semester
Topic: War in Ukraine.
In the first semester, we study political forecasting using the example of the war in Ukraine. Forecasts will be based on expert assessments by eminent international experts on the topic of war.
5 months - 30 blocks
The war in Ukraine is not only a topic of transnational significance and influence. It is also an important area for the study of forecasting and retrospective analysis. In line with the School's goals, leading researchers, experts, and practitioners view the war from different perspectives and together create a comprehensive picture, defying the story about Humpty Dumpty.
Start 10.02.2025 - 15.06.2025
We offer courses in English and Russian
Within the general theme of political forecasting, specific lectures are selected to meet the interests and needs of different audiences. The courses are not simply duplicated in two languages, but are aimed at providing a variety of information.
Our courses in Russian are designed to reach the Russian-speaking diaspora of the EU, diplomatic missions, European military personnel serving in international peace-keeping missions, enterprises, banks and firms whose employees are active in the post-Soviet space. This, of course, does not exclude cross-registration and the choice of a block of lectures in two languages.
1500 €
Prefer to pay by instalments?
Please contact our administrator
  • 30 units that will reveal all aspects of political forecasting.
  • 4 workshops with materials for detailed analysis and recommendations from experts.
  • Homework assignments that allow you to dive deeper into the material and practice your skills.
  • Access to an exclusive library of analytical materials, cases, graphs and data.
  • Checklists and templates for self-analysis and forecasting.
  • Support in a closed community of students and experts to exchange experience and knowledge.
  • Individual feedback from the course curators on the completed tasks.
  • A diploma issued after completion of the course, confirming your new competencies.
Political forecasting is the art and science of anticipating future political events, trends, and dynamics based on current data, historical patterns, and analytical models. It empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
Political forecasting is the art and science of anticipating future political events, trends, and dynamics based on current data, historical patterns, and analytical models. It empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
Any questions left?
+43 677 64131250
Breitenseer Strasse 19/24 - 26A, Wien 1140
The International Center for Eastern Europe Research
Др. Людмила Лобова
ICEUR Vienna
1. Обзор курса
2. Введение: прогнозирование политических событий (3 блока)
Др. Константин Бондаренко
Руководитель Фонда «Украинская политика», Киев (3 блока)
  1. Закономерности и тенденции в развитии Украины после провозглашения независимости (1991 - 2014).
  2. Особенности и специфика украинского Майдана в 2014 году.
  3. Украина между Майданом и войной: причины, предпосылки и факторы российско-украинской войны.
Др. Владислав Иноземцев
Директор Центра постиндустриальных исследований (Москва)
Специальный советник проекта MEMRI по изучению российских медиа (Вашингтон) (3 блока)
  1. Неготовность России и войне и the first adjustment.
  2. "Военное кейнсианство" и головокружение от успехов.
  3. The Second adjustment и вероятные перспективы.
Др. Михаил Минаков
Старший советник, Институт Кеннана, Международный центр Вудро Вильсона для ученых. Главный редактор Kennan Focus Украина (2 блока)
  1. Демография Украины во время войны и ее послевоенные перспективы.
  2. Партийная система и властные сети в Украине во время войны и их послевоенные перспективы.
Др. Николай Петров
Старший научный сотрудник, заведующий Лабораторией анализа трансформационных процессов Центра новых евразийских стратегий (NEST). (Берлин) (2 блока)
  1. Война в Украине и российские регионы.
  2. Интеграция оккупированных украинских регионов в российское пространство
Др. Александр Морозов
российский политический аналитик, колумнист, преподавал в Рурском университете (Германия), Карловом университете (Чехия), (3 блока)
  1. "Вторжение. Анализ прогнозов и логики прогнозирования накануне российского вторжения в Украину, декабрь 2021 - февраль 2022".
  2. «Кто формирует российские медийные стратегии во время войны?».
  3. «Политический словарь Кремля во время войны»
Др. Андреас Умланд
Стокгольмский центр восточноевропейских исследований. (Центр Östeuropastudier, SCEEUS) (2 блока)
  1. Судьба Украины и будущее международного порядка.
  2. Украинские ультраправые в постсоветский период
Кристоф Бильбан
Исследование конфликтов, Вена (1 блок)
  1. ЕС и война в Украине
Др. Элизабет Шимпфёссль
доцент кафедры социологии Aston University и приглашенный старший научный сотрудник Международного института неравенства Лондонской школы экономики (LSE’s International Inequalities Institute), (2 блока)
1. Политика целевых санкций против российских олигархов: непоследовательность, исключения и невыполнимость
2. Стратегии выхода из санкций и реинтеграция российских олигархов в западную экономику
Др. Джон Ло
ассоциированный научный сотрудник программы по России и Евразии в Chatham House, (2 units)
Итоги войны на Украине – аспект безопасности (2 блока)
Др. Людмила Лобова
Заключение. Практические занятия (2 блока)
Курс лекций 1й семестр
Prof. Hans-Georg Heinrich, ICEUR-Vienna
Orientation, Introduction: forecasting political events (2 units)

Dr. Heidemaria Gürer, Former Ambassador of Austria to the Netherlands and Permanent Representative to the OPCW, (1 unit)
Diplomacy during the runup to the war

Dr. Robert Müller, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs Deputy Head of Department II.3 – Russian Federation, Eastern Europe and South Caucasus, Eastern Partnership, Turkey and Central Asia, Head of Department II.3b - Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (1 units)
Impact on and response of the EU (and Austria) to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine

Dr. Taras Kuzio, Professor, Faculty of Political Science; National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy; Associate Fellow, Forum for Foreign Relations, (4 units)
1-4 The Roots of the Russian-Ukrainian War

Prof. Jerzy Józef Wiatr is a Polish sociologist, political scientist and politician. Professor of the University of Warsaw, Chairman of the European School of Law and Administration rector of a private tertiary education institution in Warsaw. (2 units)
1-2 The Russian war in Ukraine

Prof. Reinhard Heinisch, Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Salzburg, (2 units)
1-2 European Right-Wing Parties and the War in Ukraine

Dr. Vladislav Inozemtsev, Director, Center for Post-Industrial Studies, Special Advisor to MEMRI's Russia Media Studies Project, Washington, DC (3 units)
  1. Russia’s unreadiness to the conflict and the “first adjustment”
  2. “Military Keynesianism” and the success-driven dizziness
  3. The Second adjustment and some possible perspectives

Dr. Andreas Umland (Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Kiev) Ukraine in the European Security System; Ukrainian Right-Wing Organizations (2 units)
  1. The Fate of Ukraine and Future of the International Order
  2. The Ukrainian Far Right in the Post-Soviet Period

Dr Anatol Lieven, Director, Eurasia Program, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft (3 units)
  1. The Ukraine War as a Late Colonial and Post-colonial Conflict
  2. Military Lessons of the Ukraine War
  3. Ideology and the Ukraine War

Dr. Habil. Mikhail (Mykhailo) Minakov,
Senior Advisor, Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
(2 units)
  1. Demography of Ukraine during the war and its post-war prospects
  2. Party system and power networks in Ukraine during the war and their post-war perspectives

Dr. Nikolay Petrov, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Laboratory for the Analysis of Transformational Processes, New Eurasian Strategies Center /NEST (2 units)
  1. The war in Ukraine and Russian regions
  2. Russia’s integration of occupied Ukrainian regions

Ba. Ma. Christoph Bilban
Conflict Researcher, Vienna (1 block)
1. The EU and the War in Ukraine

Dr. Elisabeth Schimpfössl, is associate professor in Sociology at Aston University and visiting senior fellow at the LSE’s International Inequalities Institute, (2 units)
  1. Targeted sanctions policies against Russian Oligarchs: inconsistencies, exemptions and inscrutability
  2. Sanction-exit strategies and reintegration of Russian oligarchs into Western economies

Dr. John Lough, Associate Fellow of the Russia & Eurasia Programme at Chatham House (since 2009), (2 units)
1-2 The outcome of the war in Ukraine – the security dimension

Prof. H.G. Heinrich, ICEUR-Vienna
Final summary (2 units)

Lectures 1st semester
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